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Enjoy this collection of energy enhancing supplies that are intentionally inclined with energy enhancing herbs, roots, and oils, to help guide us into the success and balance in certain areas of our lives. This collection was created with strong love for bringing thoughts to life. One of my mottos is ‘Think it, See it, touch it! The power of the human mind is incredible. The connection to the spirit realm is unstoppable, and something we can not separate ourselves from even if we tried. Everything is spiritual and everything has a spiritual job to fulfill, therefore the energy to get the job done exists, is ready, and available. Human beings have the power to activate themselves to perform alchemical rituals to possess these powers. Unfortunately, not all people are operating from a pure at heart position but some from a hateful heart position and that's when these powers become polluted and demonized. This does not stop those of us who choose to answer nature's calling in order to help ourselves and our people. It is an awesome and amazing feeling to witness relief. I say witness because even though I dress this collection with oils and botanicals, I myself am just a part of a team of intricately made beings that were all summoned together for a specific purpose, led by pure at heart and having pure intentions.
Thank you, Amen, Ameen, Ase’, Namaste’, Hao, Hotep, Shalom, Modupe’
-Fatima the Great